
Volume 12 Issue 4

Analysis and design for VMS EMC based on MPC555


College of Automotive Engineering, Tongji University, Cao’an Road No.4800, Shanghai, 201804, China
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In order to ensure the vehicle management system (VMS) satisfy the RE and CE standards which are required by national regulations, the EMC design method is necessary to be integrated into the controller PCB design flow. Through filtering for signal line and decoupling for power system on VMS based on MPC555, the properties of VMS’ EMC are improved. With spectrum analyzer and EMSCAN near-field scanner, the feasibility of Antiinterference measures is verified. The VMS passed the CE test level 5 and the RE test level 4 in CISPR25: 2002.
Keywords: MPC555; VMS; EMC; bus filtering; power supply decoupling
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