
Volume 10 Issue 1

Design and operation of the hydrogen supply chain for fuel-cell vehicles in Expo Shanghai 2010

Xiangmin Pan,Hong Lv,Wei Zhou,Jianxin Ma andDingyun Gao
1ISEL – DEETC – Centro Algoritmi, Lisbon, Portugal
2University of Minho – Centro Algoritmi, Guimaraes, Portugal
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Electric vehicles (EVs) are clean due to their zero local emissions and low global emissions. They are also green due to their environmental friendliness, since electricity can be generated by renewable sources. Despite these obvious benefits, EVs have not been widely used around the world; the key reasons are due to their high initial cost, short driving range or lack of charging facilities. With the growing concerns on price fluctuation, depletion of petroleum resources and global warming, there is fast growing interest in EVs in Macau. Thus, it is a pressing need for researchers and power utilities to develop various infrastructures for EV. This paper aims to present a time delay method for EV charging station, by shifting the night-time battery charging within the off-peak period, results are to fill in the valley of the system demand curve.
Keywords: Charging stations; system demand leveling
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